导读:up and down 在高尔夫运动中中文意思是什么?怎么表达? ny45segfg 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答 恺撒路 网友 该名网友总共回答了21个问题,...
up and down 在高尔夫运动中中文意思是什么?怎么表达?
up and down
The golf term "up and down" refers to the act of taking just two strokes to get the ball into the hole when your ball is resting off the green or in a greenside bunker.If you accomplish that,then you've achieved an "up and down."
Imagine you've struck your tee shot and also hit the approach to the green,but your approach shot comes up just short of the putting surface.If you make an up-and-down,however,you can still make par.What you need to do is get the ball up onto the green with one stroke,and then down into the cup with another.Up and down.
Technically,you can use "up and down" to describe any two strokes that result in the ball going into the hole.But typically,"up and down" is almost exclusively applied to shots from just off the green and from greenside bunkers,situations where using only two strokes to hole out is the most likely positive outcome.
Also Known As:Make an up-and-down,get up and down
Alternate Spellings:Up-and-down
Examples:The Golf Guide got the ball up and down.
He sank the putt to get his up-and-down.
Tiger Woods needs to make an up-and-down to save par.
I appreciate your efforts for my questions. But I want the Chinese expression for this term. Maybe you can help in finding the Chinese equivalence. Thank you all the same!
In the realm of golf sports, I'm just a layman. With the help of Baidu, I have just got the probable Chinese explanation as followings:
1. 从沙坑等麻烦的地方击球,球直入洞
2. 球场的上下起伏多的状态,较为大的起伏
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