导读:高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the 高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the different types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.base...
高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the
The table shows a list of the different types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.base on the table has been given.we can know the percentage of single old person is 6.and the aged couple is 4 comorise about 50thousands couple who is poor.the single and couple of no children is parting as 19 percent and 7 percent.The largest one is the mumber of sole parent,which is 21 percent.It has alomst 5 times of lowest one which is the number of old couple,The couple with children of Australia in 1999 is 12percent.its the third large number of the total.moreover the avenge level of household is 11%,equal around two million people,so my conclusion is the single people who has on child and sole parent is more likely to be poverty than others.......(please mark out any mistake for me including grammer,spelling,words useing..etc.thx :) ma QQ:624269444
The table shows a list of the families living in poverty in Australia in 1999. Based on the table we have been given. We know the percentage of single elderly person is 60, and aged couples are 40, comprosing about 50,000 couples who are poor. The singles and couples without children is 19 percent and 7 percent.The highest is the number of sole parents,which are 21 percent.It has almost 5 times of lowest one - the old couples. Couples with children in Australia is 12percent in 1999. It's the third large number in that year. Moreover the average level of poverty is 11%,which equals to around two million people. In conclusion, singles who has only one child or sole parents are more likely to be in poverty than others.
我现在在加拿大留学,改改你的文章应该没问题.语法错误我都给你改过来了,但是有些部分的意思没看明白,按照文章的大概,勉强猜出来了.我抽出这么多时间来帮你,给我加点分咯~ 呵呵
以上就是小编为大家介绍的高手来帮我批一下雅思的写作剑4的TEST1-TASK1...The table shows a list of the 的全部内容,如果大家还对相关的内容感兴趣,请持续关注上海建站网!