导读:explain与mean的区别快 explain与mean的区别快mean也有解释说明的意思 眉菲舌舞 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答 yudkm 网友 该名网友总...
▶ verb
a technician explained the procedure: DESCRIBE, give an explanation of, make clear/intelligible, spell out, put into words; elucidate, expound, explicate, clarify, throw light on; gloss, interpret.
nothing could explain his new-found wealth: ACCOUNT FOR, give an explanation for, give a reason for; justify, give a justification for, give an excuse for, vindicate, legitimize.
■ verb (past and past participle meant)
intend to convey or refer to. ▶(of a word) have as its signification in the same language or its equivalent in another language. ▶(mean something to) be of a specified degree of importance to.
intend to occur or be the case. ▶(be meant to do something) be supposed to do something. ▶(often be meant for) design or destine for a particular purpose. ▶(mean something by) have as a motive or excuse in explanation.
have as a consequence or result.
mean business be in earnest.
mean well have good intentions, but not always carry them out.
■ adjective
chiefly Brit. unwilling to give or share things, especially money.
unkind or unfair. ▶N. Amer. vicious or aggressive.
poor in quality and appearance. ▶(of a person's mental ability) inferior.
dated of low birth or social class.
informal excellent.
no mean —— very good of its kind: it was no mean feat.
meanly adverb
meanness noun
■ noun
(also arithmetic mean) the average of a set of quantities. See also geometric mean.
a condition, quality, or course of action equally removed from two opposite extremes.
■ adjective
calculated as a mean.
equally far from two extremes.
▶ verb
flashing lights mean the road is blocked: SIGNIFY, convey, denote, designate, indicate, connote, show, express, spell out; stand for, represent, symbolize; imply, suggest, intimate, hint at, insinuate, drive at, refer to, allude to; poetic/literary betoken.
she didn't mean to break it: INTEND, aim, plan, design, have in mind, contemplate, purpose, propose, set out, aspire, desire, want, wish, expect.
he was hit by a bullet meant for a soldier: INTEND, design; destine, predestine.
the closures will mean a rise in unemployment: ENTAIL, involve, necessitate, lead to, result in, give rise to, bring about, cause, engender, produce.
this means a lot to me: MATTER, be important, be significant.
a red sky in the morning usually means rain: PRESAGE, portend, foretell, augur, promise, foreshadow, herald, signal, bode; poetic/literary betoken, foretoken.
▶ adjective
he's too mean to leave a tip: MISERLY, niggardly, close-fisted, parsimonious, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, Scrooge-like; informal tight-fisted, stingy, tight, mingy, money-grubbing; N. Amer. informal cheap; formal penurious; archaic near, niggard.
a mean trick: UNKIND, nasty, unpleasant, spiteful, malicious, unfair, cruel, shabby, foul, despicable, contemptible, obnoxious, vile, odious, loathsome, base, low; informal horrible, horrid, hateful, rotten, low-down; Brit. informal beastly.
the truth was obvious to even the meanest intelligence: INFERIOR, poor, limited, restricted.
her flat was mean and cold: SQUALID, shabby, dilapidated, sordid, seedy, slummy, sleazy, insalubrious, wretched, dismal, dingy, miserable, run down, down at heel; informal scruffy, scuzzy, crummy, grungy; Brit. informal grotty.
a man of mean birth: LOWLY, humble, ordinary, low, low-born, modest, common, base, proletarian, plebeian, obscure, undistinguished, ignoble; archaic baseborn.
(informal) he's a mean cook.: See excellent.
generous, kind, luxurious, noble.
▶ noun a mean between saving and splashing out: MIDDLE COURSE, middle way, midpoint, happy medium, golden mean, compromise, balance; median, norm, average.
▶ adjective the mean temperature: AVERAGE, median, middle, medial, medium, normal, standard.
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