导读:请英语大神帮我翻译一下这个,学渣不胜感激 请英语大神帮我翻译一下这个,学渣不胜感激***经过几十年***开放的发展,经济实力有了明显的提高。数据表明,自***开放以来,***的gdp由19799年的4062.6亿元,提升至2014年的636463亿元,提升的幅度是惊人的。***仅仅用了几十年的时间就走完了西方***几百年的经济发展路程,这骄人的成绩背后,离不开广大小微企业的默默...
***经过几十年***开放的发展,经济实力有了明显的提高。数据表明,自***开放以来,***的gdp由19799年的4062.6亿元,提升至2014年的636463亿元,提升的幅度是惊人的。***仅仅用了几十年的时间就走完了西方***几百年的经济发展路程,这骄人的成绩背后,离不开广大小微企业的默默支持。随着***开放的脚步,***的小微企业也渡过了雨后萌芽的初期阶段,目前正处于蓬勃发展的第二阶段。小微企业的数量迅猛发展,从无到有,从弱到强,***的小微企业给我们展示出他们旺盛的生命力。根据***工商局的权威数表示,到2013年3月,***记录在册的小微企业多达1169.87万户,数量为***企业总量的76.57%。据统计,小微企业创造了***60%的gdp,贡献了50%的***纳税总额,另外***发明专利的65%和***新产品开发的80%也由小微企业。 小微企业数量与实力的与日俱增,为***的经济增长提供了有力保障,与此同时,也向***提供了数量庞大创造的就业岗位,缓解了目前就业的紧张态势。但是与小微企业的重要性形成的强烈反差是,在传统的金融服务,如银行贷款等服务,金融机构会忽视掉小微企业,由于种种原因,小微企业融资难的问题暴露出来,这些问题限制小微企业的进一步发展,对***经济的健康成长十分不利。当然,影响小微企业融资难的因素不仅仅是金融机构单方面的因素,影响的因素既包括当前***的经济金融***,小微企业自身也存在问题。互联网金融因为具有便捷、高效、低成本的特点,所以在当前形势下,互联网金融在小微企业的融资问题上可以开拓一片天地。
After decades of reform and opening up development, economic strength has been significantly improved. Data show that since the reform and opening up, China's GDP of 406.26 billion yuan from the 19,799-year, up to 63.6463 trillion yuan in 2014, to enhance the range is amazing. Country in just a few decades left over hundreds of years of Western nations economic development away behind this remarkable achievement is inseparable from the vast number of small and micro enterprises in silent support. With the pace of reform and opening up, China's small and micro enterprises also spent the early stages of germination of rain, now in its second phase of vigorous development. Number of small and micro enterprises in the rapid development, from scratch, from weak to strong, China's small and micro enterprises to show us their vitality. Number authority SAIC said to March 2013, China's record in the register of small and micro enterprises up to 11,698,700, an amount of 76.57% based on the total amount of the national enterprise. According to statistics, small and micro enterprises to create a country of 60% of GDP, contributed 50 percent of total state tax, while 65% and 80% of the national patent new product development but also by the small and micro enterprises. Increasing the number and strength of small and micro enterprises, as China's economic growth provides a strong guarantee, at the same time, but also to provide the community with a huge number of jobs created to ease the current tension employment. But in sharp contrast to the importance of small and micro enterprises and the formation, in the traditional financial services such as bank loans and other services to financial institutions, small and micro enterprises will be overlooked, for various reasons, small micro-enterprise financing problems exposed, these problems limit the further development of small and micro enterprises, the healthy growth of China's economy is very unfavorable. Of course, factors small and micro enterprise financing factors unilateral just financial institutions, the factors affecting both the country's current economic and financial system, small and micro enterprises own problems. Internet banking because it has convenient, efficient, low cost, so in the current situation, the Internet banking in the financing of small and micro businesses can open up a world.
Firstly, the course of the evolution of small and micro enterprises and Internet banking will be recalled that the analysis found that the reasons for its development of small and micro enterprise financing problems, on the problems facing the current situation of small and micro enterprises and financing classified . In the analysis of how a foreign country is to solve such problems, and combined with our own characteristics of small micro-enterprise development status and the causes of the emergence of the problem of financing is proposed to overcome the various factors of small micro-enterprise financing. Relying on the rapid development of today's Internet banking, in a regulated use of the premise, proposed Internet banking for small and micro enterprises financing problem and solution support. .
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